e-ESO ePatCare

ESO has just launched ePatCare:

ePatCare for ESO is an innovative and interactive platform for viewing, creating, sharing and presenting patient cases.

Visit the ESO ePatCare store to view the ePatCare for ESO patient case library.

Simply select the cases that interest you and save them to your own personal ePatCare Cloud – you can now view your cases whenever you wish!

Navigate cases either chronologically or one department at a time by taking a virtual tour. Just choose your preferred view.

Creating cases is intuitive and sharing with your colleagues is simple.You can also edit your cases, adding more information as your patient’s treatment progresses.

Relatris‘s insight:

e-ESO, the electronic European School of Oncology, now offers an ePatCare plattform for its participants. This tool was developed by Boehringer Ingelheim and launched in 2012. It offers an easy and intuitive way to present patient cases for education (like at e-ESO) and discussion. Unfortunately there is no description of any implemented social tool (not even a comment function?) to fasciliate discussion of cases, which would enable some kind of virtual tumor board meetings.


See on www.e-eso.net